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Фонд Незламних ATR

National distributor of auto spare parts and liquids

Auto Spare Parts Wholesale and Retail trade

UNIQUE TRADE. More than business

Programs and projects

Main About the company Programs and projects

Company Unique Trade "with KYB Europe conducts a certification program of service stations for installation and warranty support of KYB shock absorbers.

The certificate KYB confirms your competence and the highest quality of work, provides opportunities for professional growth and collaboration with the supplier. 

Advantages of authorization:

  • Availability of registration certificate proves Service Centre status as the official place of KYB shock absorbers installation.
  • Improving the image of Service Centre (placing the information about the Service Centre on the manufacturer's website www.kyb.ua)
  • Obtaining of promotional materials for external and internal design of your stations and branded clothing for mechanics.
  • Conducting of training sessions and seminars by KYB representatives for Service Centre employees.
  • Information and promotional support from the supplier.
  • Ability to provide long-term (up to 2 years depending on conditions), the factory warranty on parts under the KYB brand, officially purchased through a dealer network, and set to the car by certified service stations.

Conditions of KYB certificate providing:

  • Qualified vehicles service;
  • Availability of special tools to install shock absorbers according to the list:
    • constrictors of springs - hydraulic, pneumatic or screw portable constrictor or stationary stand. Nozzles for the springs should be universal (all sized) or should be available a complete set of all sizes, designed to work with the most common springs of cars and minivans.
    • The holding profile heads. Mounting key for McPherson strut with a set of special heads, that hold the rod from turning during Mc Pherson package installation with a dumper struts.
    • Availability of 3-ton hoist for cars or 5-ton hoist for minivans, the minimum number of posts to work with the suspension - 2 pcs.;
    • The existence of the stand for the diagnosis and control of angles and the collapse of the convergence of the wheels;
    • the existence of universal and specialized tools and equipment to carry out repair work on the chassis of the car;
    • presence of a torque wrench to the recommended tightening torque control of threaded connections;
    • availability of qualified experienced staff, trained and certified in seminars of KYB company.
      Proper warranties filling;

Service Centre Readiness to act as a guarantor and to maintain the guarantee concept. The maximum term of a certificate is 2 years. At the end of this period should be re-certified.

For more information, please contact the manager of your region or by phone 7577

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